Recent Projects Flipping the Poconos one dream home at a time. Yorkshire Court RenovationsOur team gutted the entire interior and renovated the house with a new fresh look. Yorkshire Court RenovationsBrand new staircase and a side view of the new kitchen. Yorkshire Court RenovationsFront of the property. Estimate Your Mortgage Payment Purchase Price $ Mortgage Term 30 Years 25 Years 20 Years 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years Down Payment ($) 5% Annual Taxes ($) 1% Interest Rate (%) 5% Annual Insurance $ Monthly HOA $ Want a Copy of the Results? $1421 Monthly Payment Principal & Interest $1421 Monthly Taxes $1421 Monthly HOA $1421 Monthly Insurance $1421 This Loan Calculator provides estimates and offers no promissory or pre-approvals of any kind. Get In Touch If you’re ready to get the process strated. Contact Us